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Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of gazing out the window, my latest book Framed is launched, so shouldn’t I be able to relax? Naturally, it’s promotion time for the book to assist with sales but my brain feels stuck residing amidst the characters of my book. It’s almost as if I want to escape from the real world and share my characters adventures.
But joy of joys, this week my Yoga classes have started again and there was more joy when the theme for this semester turned out to be goals, resolutions and intentions.

As Lesleigh from Lesleigh’s Yoga explains. The key to creating goals and intentions that flourish rather than fade is using a sankalpa.

What is a sankalpa?
A sankalpa is a short statement the deeper truth behind your goals and helps you reach them in an authentic and harmonious way.
To understand this yogic concept more fully let’s break the Sanskrit word sankalpa into two words:
Kalpa – a way to proceed.
San – a concept or idea formed in the heart.

A sankalpa is deeper than a resolution – it’s an invitation from the heart to infuse every aspect of our life with the desired quality.

What do you do with a sankalpa?
The idea is to repeat the sankalpa to yourself regularly, particularly when your mind is relaxed and receptive. Your sankalpa is like a seed and repetition is necessary to help it flourish.
Are you ready to plant your own sankalpa?
Choosing the right words for your personal sankalpa is crucial. An effective sankalpa is short, succinct and phrased in the PRESENT TENSE, AS IF IT IS ALREADY TRUE.

Resolution: In 2019 I will be fitter.
No! remember present tense.
Sankalpa: I honour my body with movement OR I am strong, fit and healthy.
Resolution: In 2019 I will write my book.
No! remember present tense.
Sankalpa: I am a writer OR I easily express my story.
Resolution: In 2019 I will eat better.
No! remember present tense.
Sankalpa: I am a healthy eater OR I make healthy choices to nourish my body.
Can you see the difference?

Take your time formulating your sankalpa and let it land naturally. The right words may pop up out of the blue! Try saying the words using your intuition and integrity. If your statement makes you feel uplifted then it’s likely the one for you.
I truly wish I’d started going to yoga years, no decades ago. So, I think I might allow myself more time to gaze out the window a little longer because I believe to hurry through each day, each week and each year simply reduces life to a mere existence. I know it’s a strange thing to say in this crazy, INSTANT world but I truly believe if time is taken and used sensitively, it becomes like a huge key that can be used to open the door to creativity, communication and the regenerating cycle of life.

A big thank you to Lesleigh’s Yoga Classes email<lesyoga@icr.com.au>

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